Puzzler 1: Peer to Peer Bandwidth

Server topology

The figure above shows the network topology of the GPUs in a server. As observed from the trace, the data_transfer function copies a list of tensors from GPU 0 to GPU 1, GPU 2 and GPU 4 in 4.3 ms, 53.3 ms and 8.5 ms respectively. Why do the peer to peer copies to different GPUs vary so much?

Trace for data_transfer function

def data_transfer():
  with torch.cuda.stream(first):

  with torch.cuda.stream(second):

  with torch.cuda.stream(third):

first, second, third = [torch.cuda.Stream() for _ in range(3)]
cuda = torch.device('cuda:0')
data = torch.rand((10**8), device = cuda, dtype = torch.float32)

Puzzler 2: Collective Performance

Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a communication protocol used in parallel computing. It supports both point-to-point (Send and Receive) and collective (Reduce, Broadcast, Scatter, Gather, All_Reduce etc.) communication. PyTorch DDP and FSDP use MPI collectives under the hood to do distributed training.

It is well known that All_Reduce is mathematically equivalent to Reduce followed by Broadcast. With some thought one can prove that All_Reduce is equivalent to Reduce_Scatter followed by All_Gather.

The functions below use All_Reduce, Reduce + Broadcast, and Reduce_Scatter + All_Gather to sum tensors. What are the factors influencing the performance of the three implementations?

# Approach 1 - call All_Reduce directly.
def all_reduce_sum(size, local_rank, tensor_size=2**20):
  group = torch.distributed.new_group(list(range(size)))
  device = torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}")
  tensor = torch.rand(tensor_size, device=device)
  dist.all_reduce(tensor, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=group)

# Approach 2 - implement All_Reduce using Reduce and Broadcast.
def reduce_broadcast_sum(size, local_rank, tensor_size=2**20):
  group = torch.distributed.new_group(list(range(size)))
  device = torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}")
  tensor = torch.rand(tensor_size, device=device)

  torch.distributed.reduce(tensor, dst=0, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM, group=group)
  torch.distributed.broadcast(tensor, src=0, group=group)

# Approach 3 - implement All_Reduce using Reduce_Scatter and All_Gather.
def reduce_scatter_all_gather_sum(size, local_rank, tensor_size=2**20):
  group = torch.distributed.new_group(list(range(size)))
  device = torch.device(f"cuda:{local_rank}")

  reduce_scatter_input = torch.rand(tensor_size, device=device)
  reduce_scatter_output = torch.zeros(tensor_size, device=device)
  all_gather_output = torch.zeros(tensor_size, device=device)


See answer and discussion